Our Story

Rhon & Shorty’s is named after myself, Rhonda and my mom who I affectionately call Shorty (I’ve called her Shorty ever since I outgrew her in 4th grade ).  I added her name to my company because she got me into cooking.  This desire to eat better started in 2013 when Shorty (my mom) started having more difficulty with her Alzheimer’s diagnosis.  However, I didn’t actually get on my own Keto/ low carb journey until 2019 after my sister started Keto and lost a lot of weight.   I knew that I needed to lose weight but was unwilling to give up my favorite foods like pizza, bread, and sweets.  So this dilemma forced me to learn how to cook differently.  In the process of learning how to cook differently, people began to pay me to cook my new products for them because they also wanted to eat the foods they loved in a healthier manner.  Rhon & Shorty’s officially started September 4, 2023.   


Rhon & Shorty’s provides foods that are traditionally high carb in a low carb delicious alternative way that helps people stay on their health journey.  Rhon & Shorty’s currently provides low carb breads and pizza crusts and sugar free treats.


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